What to Expect?

Osteopathic Practitioners use a range of manual or hands on treatment modalities. These may feel like massage, stretching, mobilizing and muscle activation. Some treatment tools are so gentle it may even feel as though we’re not doing anything at all!

How we treat depends on who is being treated and what they’re being treated for. It’s really important to us that you’re comfortable during the treatment. If you’re not, please tell us. There is always another approach we can take.

Please make sure you wear something comfortable and flexible. A tank and shorts is a good idea (don’t worry, we’ll make sure you stay warm).

Sometimes, to supplement hands on treatment, we’ll also get you moving in the session. This may take the form of guided movements or exercise.

We don’t give ‘homework’ just for the sake of it, but in many cases, to maximize the effects of treatment we’ll ask you do to some tasks at home. We know you’re busy and want to get on with life and the things you enjoy so we’re not going to give you anything that takes too long!

No doubt the reason you’ve come to see us is due to the limitations your injury or complaint is having on the activities or sports you want to be undertaking. We’re not going to tell you to rest from those things completely unless we feel that your tissue healing warrants it. The advice we give regarding will depend on you specific diagnosis or injury.

We are excited to work with you to get you back to things you want and need to be doing!


Types of Visits

Initial Consultation

The primary focus of this appointment is to collect information and a case history, and to provide an assessment and initial treatment. Please allow up to 60 minutes for this consultation. Please make sure you bring along any imaging (Xray, CT, MRI etc) reports if applicable.

Subsequent Treatment

Approximately 30 minutes. Longer consultations available if desired/required.

Initial Consultation/Subsequent Treatment With Student Osteopathic Practitioner

Details as above with longer consultation times (75 mins and 60 min respectively) and subsidized rates to reflect lack of availability of extended medical coverage for these consultations. Our Student Practitioners are fully insured to provide treatment.

Craniosacral and Biodynamic Osteopathy Treatments

Approximately 30 minutes.

Exercise Rehabilitation/Prescription Session

Full session devoted to exercise. Take home program provided where applicable.

Hydrotherapy (Swimming Pool Exercise) Session

One-on-one pool exercise session. Take home program provided where applicable. Please allow up to 60 minutes for this consultation. To take place in swimming pool of patient’s preference.
Patient to cover practitioner entry fee.

Off-Site Exercise Rehabilitation/Prescription Session

One-on-one gym exercise session. Take home program provided where applicable. Please allow up to 60 minutes for this consultation. To take place in gym of patient’s preference. Please ensure prior permission has been sought regarding having a practitioner accompany you in the gym.
Patient to cover practitioner entry fee.